Learning about Butterflies, Sunflowers, and Nature
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Butterfly Care 101 >
Everything You Want To Know
Painted Lady Butterflies: Everything Explained
A Teachers’ Guide that explains everything your students want to know about Painted Lady Butterflies. The anatomy of caterpillars, chrysalids, and butterflies. Metamorphosis. Host plants and nectar plants. Butterfly migration. A thorough reference guide for any classroom.
Tamales: How Corn Becomes Culture
Upper Elementary.
Through Tamales, students will explore the cultural and historical significance of foods, cultivating a love for the natural world, ecology, sustainable agriculture, and food justice.
Butterfly Labs
Pre-K, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th.
Our Buttefly Labs align with the Next Generation Science Standards. Each Lab is designed for one elementary grade level and focuses on topics like butterfly body parts, pollination, life cycles, unique sense organs and perception, and food webs.
Ladybugs: Care & Activities
Early Elementary.
Ladybugs care info and activities for the classroom. Ladybugs are small, brightly colored beetles known for their red or orange bodies adorned with black spots. They are beneficial insects that are used for natural pest control.
Sunflower Lab: Every Seed Counts
Pre-K & Kindergarten.
Our sunflower curriculum accompanies the Sunflower Celebration Kit and the storybook, Every Seed Counts. Includes activities, a word wall & songs.
Sunflower Handouts & Activities
Early Elementary.
Nine sunflower handouts including sprouting experiments, an observation journal, a word scramble & a coloring page.